24 Jun 2010

Unrestricting users of RSAUTIL.CMD

I'm using rsautil manage-backups to perform scripted backups of our RSA AM 7.1 SP3 database in conjunction with the disabled password prompt that I posted yesterday. Although when initially trying to run it under a separate service account from that which I used to install the product, I received the following error.

Error: Cannot run as user 'serviceaccount'. 'rsautil' can only be run by 'myusername' user

I contacted support and received the following response, which was very simple to implement.

  • Use Windows Explorer to locate rsaenv.cmd in the ACEUTILS directory
  • Open   rsaenv.cmd  in WordPad (or other editor)
  • Locate the line set CLU_USER={username} where {username} is the user name of the user who installed the RSA Authentication Manager 7.1 software and comment out the line (this will preserve the user name)
  • Add this line after the commented out line in point 3 "set CLU_USER=%USERNAME%"
  • Save the change
Now any user who is a member of the local Windows Administrators group can use rsautils.cmd


Anonymous said...

Didn't work.

Chris said...

Can you supply any more details?

Anonymous said...

Worked, thanks!

Anonymous said...

yey it worked :)

Anonymous said...

I went through and removed the following and was able to get it to work:

if /i "%CLU_USER%" NEQ "%USERNAME%" (
echo Error: Cannot run as user '%USERNAME%'
echo 'rsautil' can only be run by '%CLU_USER%' user
goto finish